
During the late 90’s there was a guy with speech difficulties who was tired of being treated badly during the phone calls. Sometimes they hung up the phone and asked him to call back when he sobered up.

He posten a question to the national board “How should people with speech difficulties be treated with dignity when they make phone calls?” The national board took the issue seriously and gave the National Post and Telecom Agency the task of developing a telephone service for this target group.

Since 2004, Teletal has been a permanent service.
From simply being a service for those who have speech difficulties, we now offer help to everyone who needs support during telephone calls.

The Swedish government Agency “Riksfärdtjänsten” funds Teletal on behalf of the National Post and Telecom Agency.

More info


Weekdays 07.30–20.00

Weekends 12.00–16.00

Phone:020-22 11 44


Phone: 0046-8-21 11 19

Teletal works in Sweden.

Calls abroad are only allowed at max 3 min.

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