FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the service provided for?

For all persons who are in need of support during phone conversations.

How do I access to the service?

The service is free for all. You do not need a permit and do not need to make an appointment.
Just call 020-22 11 44.

How much does it cost?

It costs nothing as long as you call to us directly.
If you call via a touchtone switchboard, it’s the regular cost.
Calling a 020-number is free.

Is the interpreter present during the whole conversation?

Yes, the interpreter is always with you thoughout the call. There are no options here.

Does the Teletal mediator work in confidentiality?

Read more about the interpreter’s duty of confidentiality.

Do you interpret in a language other than Swedish?

No, we interpret only the Swedish language.
Learn how Teletal interpretates.

Who pays for the calls?

It’s the Swedish communication authority PTS which finances Teletal.

More info


Weekdays 07.30–20.00

Weekends 12.00–16.00

Phone:020-22 11 44


Phone: 0046-8-21 11 19

Teletal works in Sweden.

Calls abroad are only allowed at max 3 min.