In English

Weekdays 07:30-20:00, weekends 12:00-16:00.
020-22 11 44

Teletal is a free, nationwide service where you get the support of a third person supplied in the call.
There is no need to book the service in advance and no permission is required.
Feel free to call Teletal for a trial at no cost and see if it’s right for you. It does not have to be a formal conversation. Just call and say hello and determine whether the service is for you.

Anonymous user about Teletal:

I would not call at all, unless I got help from Teletal. I had tried getting help in the past on my own and it did not work, all I got was the run-around. Now I can call all cases I need for myself, with the help of Teletal. It’s fantastic!

More info


Weekdays 07.30–20.00

Weekends 12.00–16.00

Phone:020-22 11 44


Phone: 0046-8-21 11 19

Teletal works in Sweden.

Calls abroad are only allowed at max 3 min.

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