Who can use teletal?

Everyone who needs help may use Teletal.
You do not need a permit to use Teletal.
Those of you who have reading and writing-difficulties can also use the service.

Save your details with us!

If you prefer, you can save your details with us.
The detailed information can be what kind of help you want, the phone numbers you usually call and who your contacts are.
It is entirely voluntary.
Once you’ve called a few times with us we usually ask if you are interested to save your detailed information. Then we will send you a contract to sign and send back to us.

More info


Weekdays 07.30–20.00

Weekends 12.00–16.00

Phone:020-22 11 44


Phone: 0046-8-21 11 19

Teletal works in Sweden.

Calls abroad are only allowed at max 3 min.

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